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Investment Proposition

Data Dictionary - Entity Table: Investment_Proposition#

Investment proposition (or proposal in short) is created when client advisor wants to modify an existing client's portfolio, suggest new opportunities, simulate trades and investigate the impact upon client holdings. The simulated portfolio is created by copying an existing portfolio (called source portfolio) as a starting point. Changes are then applied on the simulated portfolio and compared with the source portfolio.

Primary Key ('id').ENGINE = InnoDB..
Column NameData TypePK Primary Key, NN-Not Null, NullExampleComments
idBIGINT(12)PK, NN1PrimaryKey-ID, Not Null (auto creates)
nameVARCHAR(32)NULLepamName of the proposal
descriptionVARCHAR(1024)NULLincrease exposure to tech stocksShort proposal description
presentation_currency_idBIGINT(12)NULL1This is the currency in which proposal is presented to the client. See Currency Table
real_portfolio_idBIGINT(12)NOT NULL1Actual portfolio id
source_portfolio_idBIGINT(12)NOT NULL2Parent portfolio id that is copied and used as a starting point for new simulated portfolio
simulated_portfolio_idBIGINT(12)NOT NULL3Simulated portfolio id that contains this investment proposition
Created_DateDATETIMENULL1/1/2020 12:30:00 PMDate when proposal was created
Accepted_DateDATETIMENULL10/1/2020 12:30:00 PMDate when proposal was accepted / approved by the client
fk_investment_proposition_ portfolio1(real_portfolio_id)Portfolio (id)NO ACTIONNO ACTION
fk_investment_proposition_ portfolio2(source_portfolio_id)Portfolio (id)NO ACTIONNO ACTION
fk_investment_proposition_ portfolio3(simulated_portfolio_id)Portfolio (id)NO ACTIONNO ACTION
currency(presentation_currency_id)Currency (id)NO ACTIONNO ACTION
fk_investment_proposition_ portfolio1_idxInvestment_Proposition(real_portfolio_id ASC)VISIBLE.
fk_investment_proposition_ portfolio2_idxInvestment_Proposition(source_portfolio_id ASC)VISIBLE.
fk_investment_proposition_ portfolio3_idxInvestment_Proposition(simulated_portfolio_id ASC)VISIBLE.
Currency_idxInvestment_Proposition(presentation_currency_id ASC)VISIBLE.